Learning Log Week 1


Computer Application in ELT

National Education Act, B.E.2542 (พระราชบัญญัติการศึกษาแห่งชาติ 2542)

-producers and users of technologies for education

-appropriate, high-quality, and efficient technologies

- Use the technologies for acquiring knowledge Themselves on a continuous lifelong basis.

The Teachers Council of Thailand

               Teachers must have basic knowledge of computer and be able to use at least the Windows operating system, the Microsoft Office and should also be able to apply Internet in the teaching.

The role of teachers in using technology

•organizer (ผู้จัดงาน)

•instructional designer (นักออกแบบการเรียนการสอน)

•material resource manager (ผู้จัดการทรัพยากรวัสดุ)

•instructional guide (ไกด์ด้านการเรียนการสอน)

•facilitator (ผู้อำนวยความสะดวก)

Technology in Language Teaching

Before 80’s

Tape records, language laboratories, video

In the 80’s

CALL (Computer-Assisted Language Learning.) การใช้โปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์ช่วยเรียนภาษา 

= CD-ROMs= filling the gapped texts, matching, multiple choice/ immediate feedback

1.      Behavioristic CALL and Audiolingual method.

Programs entailed repetitive language drills and can be referred to as "drill and practice." Drill and practice courseware is based on the model of computer as tutor.

2.      Communicative CALL and Communicative Language Approach

In this case, the purpose of the CALL activity is not so much to have students discover the

right answer, but rather to stimulate students' discussion, writing, or critical thinking.

3. Integrative CALL: Multimedia and the Internet

Integrative approaches to CALL are based on two important technological developments of the last decade: multimedia computers and the Internet. Multimedia technology allows a variety of media (text, graphics, sound, animation, and video) to be accessed on a single machine.

In the 90’s and 2000’s

TELL = Internet and web-based tools/ offered by the Internet and communication technology

What is an Internet?

Internet or NET is a network of people and information, linked together by telephone lines which are connected to computers. It has been mentioned as the most significant development in communication tools of the era.

A technophobe a person who is afraid of new technology.

A digital native a person who grows up using technology and who, thus, feels comfortable and confident with it.

tech-savvy one who has high proficiency in the use of technology. An individual who displays an ability to effectively employ desktop/laptop computers and consumer-level technological gadgets.

A digital immigrant a person who has come late to the world of technology.

The acronyms

IT= Information Technology

ICT= Information and Communication Technology

CAI= Computer-Assisted Instruction

CALL= Computer-Assisted Language Learning

CMC= Computer-Mediated Communication

TELL= Technology-Enhanced Language Learning

WBI = Web-Based Instruction

MOOs=MUD object-oriented

Selection of ELT resources on the Internet

Teacher’s considerations prior to the use of material resources on the Internet

1. Plan the lesson and allocate time.

2. Set the objectives.

3. Try the selected activities on the Internet before.

4. Start with non-threatening introductory tasks.

What is CMC?

CMC = Computer- Mediated Communication

·        computers connected in local or global networks

·        human-to-human communication is the focus.

CMC tools

Asynchronous Tools (Email/Message Boards/Wikis/Blogs)

Asynchronous tools enable communication and collaboration over a period of time through a "different time-different place" mode.

Synchronous Tools (Text chat/Audio Telephony/MUDs, MOOs, WOOs /Video, teleconferencing)             Synchronous tools enable real-time communication and collaboration in a "same time-different place" mode.


